Join a Friendly & Inclusive

In-Person Networking event for

Women in Business.

Join Us.

To create a positive space, embracing the power of connection and growth in a friendly, supportive environment.

An event focused on you, for you.

So What’s different?

  • A FREE FB Group so you can introduce yourself before the event.

  • Your Business on an Event Directory.

  • Personalised badge with QR code link.

  • A combination of learning, inspiration, motivation and thought provoking!

  • Event structured so you meet at least 12 other attendees before main breakout session to forge meaningful connections.

  • Getting you to look and think about your Business in a new way.

  • Listening and implementing what you want, this is YOUR Fabulous Networking!

  • And so much more!

When & Where

Our event will be held at the Woodman Inn, a beautiful 18th Century venue set in an idyllic location with a warm and friendly atmosphere.

A free large carpark to the side of the venue takes away all the stress of trying to find a parking space!

Date: Wednesday 18th September 2024

Time: 9.30am - 11.30am


The Woodman Inn, Thunder Bridge Lane, Kirkburton,

Huddersfield, HD8 0PX

Meet your Host.

Hi, I’m Diane Andrew a Life & Business Coach and I will be your 'Fabulous Networking' host.

I love networking but have always found some elements missing.

I shared my vision for networking with women in small focus groups, asking what they wanted and needed.

From here, 'Fabulous Networking' was created.

A space to bring women together in a positive environment bringing in all the ideas from the focus groups to make this networking 'an event focused on you, for you'.

Networking is a great way to get out and meet new people as well as forging wonderful connections.

I will be there to help facilitate introductions, ensure you feel relaxed and most importantly create a positive space so you leave with connections, learning and a sense of belonging.

I have 25 years experience of running businesses with all their ups and downs!

I am also a qualified Life Coach, which includes certified Master NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Time Line Therapy, Hypnotherapy and am also a qualified teacher/trainer.

I work with amazing women like you within the challenges of life and business to inspire and empower you to unlock your higher self, be confident and live a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Can't wait to meet you,

Diane x

Fabulous Feedback

Non Members Price


Grow your connections and join us to be a part of a fabulous, inclusive, fun and empowering group of like minded women.

* When the membership is launched if you join the membership and have purchased a ticket to this event you will be allocated a £5 discount credit for a future event.

Connect - Support - Share - Uplift - Encourage - Inspire - Motivate -Grow

Limited spaces are available.

To ensure you get the most out of this event and build those relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have to stand up and speak?

No, there will be no pressure of one minute spotlights.

What should I wear?

Anything you feel comfortable in, I advise to wear a 'pop' of colour or a statement accessory piece, like jewelry a belt or scarf. This is a good conversation prompter and helps if you struggle to talk to people you don't know.

What if I struggle to approach strangers?

You are not alone, lots of women avoid in-person networking because of this.

That's why the free Facebook group is a space where you can introduce yourselves before the event. This way you can start building connections if you struggle face to face. You can also contact me so I can help introduce you to other fabulous women.

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